
Thoughts about hr and management in the real world – extra information I couldn't fit in my books!.

Does your company need to get Messi?

Fraser and I just spent five weeks living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. And there was one thing that you could not get away from in the city. One thing that was always there, reminding you, again and again.

It was there as you walked or drove down the wide tree lined boulevards, surrounded by parks. It was there as you navigated the city streets, between beautiful Parisian style buildings and old brick apartment buildings with fruit shops on every block. It was even in the supermarkets.

What was that one thing?

The one thing you were reminded of again and again was that Argentina were champions of the world! That they had won the Football World Cup 2022.

There were huge billboards up everywhere with pictures of Messi and his mates holding up the cup. On the huge 12 lane boulevard that splits Buenos Aires in two (Avenida de 9 Julio) there is a large white obelisk, and behind that an 8 story high TV screen showing the moment Argentina won, again and again (in between ads for Coca-cola).

In the supermarket Messi and the team were on crisps, packets of tea, beer and many more. Stalls and shops sold the emblematic blue and white striped football tshirt, posters and flags.

What struck me was that they really were making the most of celebrating being world champs. They were showing the team just how proud they were. In lots of different ways (there is a footnote about the Messi crisps at the bottom of this blog).

So my thoughts turned to HR and management as they still tend to do.

Do we in our organisations really celebrate when a team has a big win? Or when a manager or employee does something amazing?

I know most HR teams run recognition and reward schemes. But are the winners celebrated enough? Could you do more to make sure the team or person knows how proud you all are of them?

In the old days companies used to put up a photo of employee of the month on a wall behind where customers were served. Could you do posters around your business? A screensaver when people log in? A video on your intranet or social channel?

There was no doubt that the Argentina football team could see how proud their country was of them. Do your superstar teams and employees feel the same way?

I’d love to hear if you’ve found a unique way to celebrate and make your superstars know you’re proud. If you’ve got an idea to share, please do post it in the comments below.

As for the footnote I mentioned: In our local supermarket in Buenos Aires, I found a special edition of Lays potato crisps/chips with Messi on them. I mistakenly sent a pic to my brother and sister, who immediately both wanted a packet as their present from Argentina. So now I’m carrying two large packs of crisps across South America and the USA on our trip back to France. The Messi crisps are getting to see the world! But merchandising does work. Could you do some merch for your company superstars? Could you get Messi with your recognition scheme?

Angela Atkins is the co-founder of Elephant Group, which now runs training around the world. She is also the bestselling author of the Bites books series, and this year will see her first novel published. She lives in France and Spain and sometimes other places too.

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